
Charts of the Week

Headline-making data and analysis from our in-house experts


US workers’ fears, China deflation risks, global stocks

September 13, 2024
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Taylor rule signals potential Fed rate cuts

What the chart shows

The above table illustrates scenarios for the Federal funds rate (FFR) based on the Taylor rule (1993), a traditional monetary policy reaction function that responds to inflation and output gaps, with the unemployment gap serving as a proxy through Okun’s law. The US inflation and unemployment rates analyzed in the chart range from 1.5 to 3.5% and 3.5% to 5.5%, respectively, with the shades of blue and red indicating possible rate adjustments.

Behind the data

With the Federal Reserve's (Fed) dual mandate of stable prices and maximum employment, the Taylor rule provides a valuable framework for justifying potential Fed decisions in the coming months and years under varying economic conditions.

Given the recent Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) inflation rate of 2.5-2.6%, and an unemployment rate of 4.2%, the Taylor rule suggests an FFR of  5.0-5.1%, implying the need for one to two 25-basis-point rate cuts. This aligns with market expectations of a 25-basis-point rate cut at the upcoming Federal Open Marketing Committee (FOMC) meeting on 17-18 September, lowering the FFR from 5.25-5.5% to 5.0-5.25%, with additional cuts anticipated in Q4 2024.

If inflation moderates by 0.5 percentage points, the Taylor rule points to a 4.2% FFR. If the jobless rate rises by 0.5 percentage points, the rule indicates a target of 4.5-4.6% FFR. Should inflation decline and unemployment increase by these margins, the rule suggests an FFR of 3.7-3.9%. These scenarios underscore the Fed’s probable paths depending on shifts in economic data, reinforcing the model’s usefulness in projecting policy responses.

Job security fears surge among US workers

What the chart shows

This chart presents recent findings from the New York Fed's labor market survey, highlighting  Americans' concerns about job security. The data is segmented by key demographic categories, with each displaying the percentage of employees fearing job loss. The column on the far right provides a visual context of the data distribution over time from 2014 to the present.

Behind the data

Recent disappointing nonfarm payroll figures have exacerbated anxieties around job security. The survey conducted by the New York Fed found that more than 4% of US employees currently fear losing their jobs, the highest level since 2014. The data reveals a notable gender disparity: 6.5% of women are worried about job loss compared to 2.5% of men, highlighting persistent gender inequality in the labor market.

The survey also identifies workers without higher education and those earning less than $60,000 per year as the most vulnerable groups, with heightened concerns about job security. These findings show the uneven impact of economic uncertainty across different demographics.

China faces deflationary risks amid investment hesitation

What the chart shows

This chart illustrates China's inflation trends from 2000 to the present using multiple measures, including the GDP deflator, headline Consumer Price Index (CPI), Producer Price Index (PPI), and the M1-M2 growth gap (which indicates changes in money supply dynamics to signal future inflationary pressures) leading by two quarters. The chart includes decade averages for the GDP deflator and CPI to provide historical context and highlight longer-term trends.

Behind the data

With slower economic growth trends and ongoing recovery challenges, China is experiencing inflation levels below historical norms. The decade averages of the Chinese GDP deflator and headline CPI have been trending downward, reflecting subdued price pressures across the economy.

In addition, the persistent negative M1-M2 growth gap since H2 2018 – where M1 represents readily accessible demand deposits and M2 includes less liquid short-term time deposits – suggests prolonged corporate reluctance to invest. This monetary dynamic may put downward pressure on inflation, as depicted by its positive relationship ahead of PPI, signaling that reduced liquidity and investment appetite can suppress producer prices over time.

Overall, these patterns highlight structural deflationary risks in China, pointing to challenges in reviving domestic demand and price stability.

‘September effect’ weighs on global stocks

What the chart shows

This heatmap depicts the seasonality of average monthly returns and the probabilities of positive returns for major global stock indices. Blue shades indicate a likelihood of more than 50% for positive returns and red shades indicate a probability of less than 50% to provide a clear visual representation of seasonal trends in stock market performance.

Behind the data

Concerns over the ‘September effect,' coupled with softening macroeconomic conditions globally, have triggered sell-offs in risk assets this month. Empirical evidence supports these concerns, as average seasonal returns and the probability of positive returns are typically lowest in September, often turning negative and falling below 50% across several major equity markets. This pattern highlights September as a consistently weak month for equities, reinforcing the 'September effect' as a pessimistic seasonal factor in the markets.

Balancing risk and reward: S&P 500 variants reveal winning strategies over time

What the chart shows

This chart offers insights into style investing by ranking variants of the S&P 500 index based on their Sharpe ratios, a key metric for evaluating risk-adjusted returns. This visualization highlights which index variants have historically delivered the highest returns relative to their risk levels, helping investors identify outperforming strategies over time.

Behind the data

Historically, growth stocks and the so-called Top 50 stocks, which represent some of the largest and most influential companies in the S&P 500, have consistently delivered strong performance due to their market dominance, strong financial results and broad investor appeal. In contrast, pure growth stocks – typically perceived as having exceptional potential for rapid expansion – have underperformed relative to these top-tier companies. This suggests that purely growth-focused stocks may require more selective investment strategies.

High-beta stocks, characterized by their greater volatility and higher risk, have generally achieved higher Sharpe ratios, reflecting strong performance during market upswings due to their heightened sensitivity to market movements.

However, in times of economic downturns or crises, such as in 2018 and 2022, low-volatility stocks have proven their worth. Despite offering lower overall returns, these stocks provide stability and downside protection, making them an attractive option for investors looking to minimize risk during turbulent market conditions.

FTSE 100 thrives amid moderate inflation

What the chart shows

This chart illustrates the year-over-year performance of the FTSE 100 under various employment and inflation scenarios, categorized into historical tertiles to provide a view of how the index performs across different economic conditions.

Behind the data

The FTSE 100 tends to perform better in environments with strong employment or moderate inflation. Recently, as inflation moderated around 2%, the index showed resilience amid weakening jobs. This underpins that moderate inflation can support equity performance, achieving average year-over-year growth of over 10% regardless of labor market situations. However, if inflation deviates significantly – either rising sharply or falling below moderate levels – the index’s performance could deteriorate, particularly in scenarios of low inflation combined with weak employment, which may signal broader economic contraction and increased downside risk for equities. 

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The trade of the decade: owning macro volatility

{{nofollow}}Michael LoGalbo, CFA, Global Market Strategist, Macro & Multi-asset, New York Life Investments

In the 2010s, investors enjoyed a "peace dividend" from low geopolitical tensions. But this decade has seen a sharp rise in such risks, driven by US-China trade disputes, Russia's invasion of Ukraine and instability in the Middle East. These dynamics, exacerbated by climate change, energy security concerns, are reshaping market landscapes amid a global economic slowdown, underscoring the growing importance of geopolitical factors. 

As a result, owning macro volatility might emerge as the strategic move of the decade. Our suggested macro volatility portfolio, which includes gold, oil and bitcoin, aims to mitigate geopolitical risks through two primary channels: adverse supply shocks and deflation. 

Oil typically gains from supply disruptions while gold acts as a 'currency of last resort' during high-risk periods, dampening economic activity and heightening uncertainty. Bitcoin is included as a proxy for greater liquidity and risk-taking in a market flush with post-pandemic capital. Despite indicators of a slowing economy, liquidity continues to underpin investor risk-taking.

Federal Reserve takes a more balanced strategy

By {{nofollow}}Gareth Nicholson, Chief Investment Officer and Head of Managed Investments, Nomura International Wealth Management 

Investor confidence in the Federal Reserve has decreased over the last six months, with terms like "policy error" and "Fed mistake" gaining traction. This skepticism raises questions about the Fed's ability to manage monetary policy effectively.

However, central banks have learned from past mistakes, especially those from the turbulent 1970s when inconsistent policies led to high inflation and unemployment. Since then, the Fed has adopted a more structured approach, creating buffers between policy rates and inflation.

In the current cycle, its rate hikes have brought inflation to manageable levels while keeping unemployment steady, signaling a more balanced strategy.

Inflationary pressures persist amid geopolitical tensions

By {{nofollow}}Jieyun Wu, Global Economist at Taikang Asset Management

Despite disinflation, inflation risks persist across developed countries due to high services inflation and ongoing geopolitical conflicts. This heatmap provides a global view of inflation trends in developed and emerging markets (DMs and EMs). Reflecting the past 12 months, it shows generally softer inflation globally. However, in DMs, the US and the Netherlands are seeing a marginal resurgence in inflation. Among EMs, Turkey and Russia face high inflationary pressures, while China’s inflation has recovered somewhat from deflationary levels.

Is the Eurozone inflation under control?

By {{nofollow}}Turnleaf Analytics

Eurozone inflation has touched a new record low since July 2021 coming at 2.4% as of end of April. But does the trajectory going forward look well within the 2% target of the ECB? This is a relevant question as the answer to it might help anticipate the next policy response by the ECB. By crunching hundreds of relevant macro and alternative data variables from Macrobond, Turnleaf Analytics's model projects a more volatile picture over the next year with inflation staying possibly above the 2% target most of the time (red line). Inflation markets paint a similar albeit more optimistic picture (green). Compared to the recent inflation prints from the US, the situation in the Eurozone seems more under control, although not fully so yet.

US manufacturing and services indices point to economic growth

By {{nofollow}}Frans van den Bogaerde, CFA, Economist, IFM Investors

This chart shows a detailed breakdown of the ISM manufacturing and services indices, key survey-based indicators of US economic activity. The latest data (for March 2024) show a softening in US private sector services growth, to 51.4 from 52.6 the previous month, though overall services output continues to expand (any reading above 50 as shown by the green boxes is an expansion). 

Manufacturing activity, by contrast, substantially improved, rising 2.5 percentage points to 50.3 (the first expansion since September 2022). 

As services account for a much higher proportion of US economic activity, it is a better indicator of growth. On a historical basis, however, the rate of growth suggested by both services and manufacturing is subdued – with both measures coming in at around their 20th percentiles relative to the last 20 years.

Analyzing fund flows in money markets

By {{nofollow}}Nik Bhatia, CFA, CMT, Founder, The Bitcoin Layer 

This graph displays the dynamics within the money markets as funds are allocated across various instruments. The four metrics tracked here are: total money market fund (MMF) assets under management, outstanding Treasury bills, the Fed's reverse repo facility (RRP), and daily Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) volumes in the repo market. Tradeoffs between money market instruments are visible as investors (MMF AUM) transition between accessible investments: T-bills, private market repo (SOFR), and the Fed's interest rate floor for non-banks (RRP).

Currently, SOFR volumes are rising as primary dealers experience increased inventory due to Treasury issuance, while elevated T-bill supply is raising rates to divert funds from the Fed's RRP facility.

CPI surge challenges potential rate cuts

By {{nofollow}}Byron Gangnes, Professor Emeritus, University of Hawaii

US Inflation measured by the Consumer Price Index has picked up recently, putting interest rate cuts at risk. The CPI rose 0.4% in February and March, more than 5% on an annualized basis. These strong monthly changes have raised year-over-year inflation to 3.5%, the highest since September. This is far above the Federal Reserve’s long-run 2% target. 

Part of the renewed inflation is coming from higher gasoline prices. But the Fed is unlikely to be concerned about this transitory component. Shelter inflation remains high but will ease as cheaper new leases are signed. 

That leaves other non-energy services as the main concern. Measured on a three-month moving average basis—which highlights the most recent changes—these prices have risen above a 6% annual pace. This broad category includes many services, but the two most important recent contributors have been auto insurance and medical care.

The trailing three-month numbers provide striking evidence that CPI disinflation has been stalled for eighteen months. The Fed will hold off on rate cuts for a while longer. 

Gold exports reveal diversification in Gulf energy surpluses

By {{nofollow}}Luke Gromen, CEO and Founder, FFTT LLC

This chart shows Swiss gold exports by destination, highlighting not only the well-recognized strong demand from Asia, but also the increasing exports to Persian Gulf countries. This is interesting because it implies a noteworthy shift: a growing portion of Gulf energy export surpluses, traditionally dominated by USD transactions, is being converted into gold, de facto. 

Geopolitics' impact on gold, U.S. economic challenges, and Japanese consumer sentiment

Is gold still a haven amid geopolitical tensions? 

Despite hopes of avoiding a global recession, geopolitical risks continue to impact economies and financial markets. As a result, safe-haven assets like gold attract broad interest. 

We analyzed how gold prices responded in the months following significant geopolitical events. For example, after a recent incident where Iran attacked Israel, gold prices have not shown a consistent trend.  

However, following a Hamas strike in October 2023, gold prices have generally trended upward. Ongoing geopolitical tensions are likely to continue influencing the demand for gold as a safe investment. 

Japanese consumer sentiment remains strong

Consumer spending in Japan, particularly in retail sales, has been robust since early 2022. To analyze this trend further, we used the {{nofollow}}Macromill weekly consumer survey, which provides regular updates on Japanese consumer sentiment. The data show that, despite some fluctuations, sentiment has remained consistently above the average since 2022. 

However, the index has yet to reach +1 standard deviation above the average. This means that while sentiment is positive, it hasn’t reached a level of optimism that would be considered exceptionally high. This could still signal encouraging prospects for Japan’s economic future and support the Bank of Japan’s efforts to normalize monetary policy.

Diminishing expectations for Fed rate cuts

The release of 'unexpectedly hot' CPI data earlier this month dispelled any doubts about the Federal Reserve cutting rates soon. Our chart shows that the market has lost hope for a rate cut at the next FOMC meeting in May, with a similarly low probability for June, at around 20%. 

Initial expectations of three rate cuts in 2024, starting in March, has not materialized and now short-term market expectations are increasingly pessimistic. The probability of a rate cut by the end of the first half of the year is now less than 50%. However, a cut in the autumn still appears likely.

US government bonds remain uncertain

Inflation remains higher than expected, delaying expectations for interest rate cuts. This makes investments in government bonds more uncertain.  We conducted a study on 10-year government bond returns in developed countries to look at how different bond yields affect bond values, considering factors such as duration and convexity. The resulting table can help investors understand how bond yield fluctuations may impact bond values.

US commercial real estate still challenging

US commercial real estate (CRE) continues to face significant challenges, even though many expect that a {{nofollow}}recession can be avoided. This is particularly important for {{nofollow}}regional banks that are quite exposed to CRE loans. To monitor the situation, we use weekly ‘back to work barometer’ indices that track how many people are going back to offices in major cities compared to before the pandemic. The latest numbers show that office occupancy is still much lower than it used to be, with rates about half of what they were before Covid-19.

Bitcoin ‘halving’ and impact on market prices

Roughly every four years, the number of new bitcoins that miners earn for adding transactions to the blockchain is cut in half. This event is known as “halving” and the next one is scheduled for 20 April. By reducing the number of new bitcoins, the supply decreases. 

You might expect that with fewer bitcoins available, their price would go up. But when we look at what happened after the last three halving events, the results show varied impacts on Bitcoin’s price. 

This chart tracks how Bitcoin’s price performed after the last three halving events. The outcomes were quite different each time, demonstrating that even with a decrease in supply, it’s hard to predict exactly how Bitcoin’s price will be affected.  

Insights from China and India’s High Frequency Indicators, US REIT and NASDAQ trends

Economic indicators from China show mixed signals

China’s key economic activity gauges, including the manufacturing Purchasing Managers Indexes (PMI) (both {{nofollow}}official and {{nofollow}}Caixin), expanded ahead of expectations in March. A complementary high-frequency indicator worth considering is road congestion in major cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou.

India’s economic resilience highlighted by robust manufacturing and power demand

The Indian economy has experienced high growth, as reflected in its {{nofollow}}manufacturing PMI, which reached a 16-year high in March. Another vital indicator, electricity demand, especially during evening peak hours, correlates strongly with GDP growth. In 2024, electricity demand across India has surged, approaching the upper bounds of historical fluctuations across the country, underscoring the economy's continuing strength. This pattern confirms the resilience and expanding capacity of the Indian economy, aligning with broader economic growth trends.

U.S. tech stocks bolstered by AI prospects

US mega-cap tech stocks have demonstrated strong performance, driven by optimistic Artificial Intelligence-related prospects and overall economic resilience. A closer examination of the earnings revisions of these tech giants relative to broader large-cap equities shows that, since 2020, whenever US tech titans' earnings revisions outpace those of larger equities (using z-scores, seen as the green color in the chart), the Nasdaq 100 tends to outperform the S&P 500 and vice versa.

Currently, earnings revisions for these top tech companies are better than broader large large-caps, suggesting that the strength in US big tech stocks is likely to continue.

Sectoral shifts in U.S. REITs highlight economic transformation

The US REITs industry has experienced significant shifts since the pandemic, with the office sector seeing a marked decline due to ongoing challenges in persuading employees to return to physical office spaces. The telecommunications sector also shrank. Conversely, the industrials and self-storage sectors have grown, signaling a rebound in these areas of the economy following the pandemic.

The data center sector has also grown considerably, likely driven by the surge in demand for AI-related technologies. These trends reflect broader economic shifts towards digital and storage solutions post-pandemic.

Examining long-term market trends amidst economic stability

This analysis of US stock markets since 1935 highlights the cyclical patterns of bull and bear markets within the context of longer-term secular trends. It shows that a cyclical bear market often follows around seven years after the onset of a secular bull market.

As the US economy remains robust, current trends suggest that it could be heading for a new cyclical bear market if economic growth cannot maintain its current pace. Understanding these long-term patterns is helpful to inform investment strategies and economic forecasting.

Global inflation dynamics: A shift from hyperinflation to deflation

In recent years, the focus on inflation has shifted from high inflation rates to stabilizing inflation at acceptable levels. This analysis contrasts the extremes of hyperinflation, where rates exceed 10 per cent, with deflation scenarios in which inflation rates are negative. While hyperinflation has become less prevalent, from affecting nearly half of global economies to just 15 per cent, deflation is on the rise, with six per cent of countries seeing reductions in consumer prices compared to a year ago.

These trends are critical for understanding the global economic landscape and the varying fiscal challenges countries face.

Adjusting expectations: Rate cuts, oil surges, and job market trends

Inflation pressures delay Fed rate cuts

This chart examines the projected rate cuts by the Federal Reserve for 2024. Initially, the Fed anticipated three cuts in December, while market expectations suggested a more aggressive six cuts throughout the year.

However, with the latest U.S. consumer price data showing a continued increase in March, particularly in gasoline and rental housing, financial markets are now adjusting their expectations. The likelihood of rate cuts is being pushed back, with a delay until at least September now anticipated.

Both the Fed and market participants will continue to closely scrutinize economic and inflation data to gauge the timing and necessity of rate adjustments.

Beneish M-Score highlights risks in emerging markets

The Beneish M-Score is a mathematical model that employs various financial ratios to identify companies likely to have manipulated their earnings. Created by Professor M. Beneish in 1999, it serves as a prevalent tool for detecting fraud. A score above -1.78 indicates potential manipulation of a company's financial statements.

Macrobond/Factset Equity Factor Aggregates (EFA) offers the Beneish M-Score for over 100 countries. In today's demonstration, we focus on a chart that highlights 18 emerging markets. Our analysis shows that two countries, Argentina and Turkey, have recently exceeded the critical threshold, suggesting potential manipulation in their financial reporting. Both countries are currently grappling with severe economic challenges, which may be influencing these findings.

Moreover, Egypt and Hungary have recently exceeded the upper edge of their interdecile range (10-90 percentiles). While they have not crossed the >-1.78 threshold, this may be a worrying upward trend.

Brent oil prices reach new highs due to geopolitical tensions and production cuts

The Brent spot price has surged to its highest level since last October, driven by three pivotal events: escalating tensions in the Middle East, Ukrainian drone attacks on Russian refineries, and the anticipation that OPEC will maintain its production cuts.

These geopolitical factors have propelled Brent oil futures to multi-year highs, as illustrated by the red line on the chart. Remarkably, current futures prices have exceeded those observed during the early 2022 price surge.

This upward trajectory in Brent oil prices is concerning for global markets, signaling potential increases in fuel costs for consumers this spring and summer.

Commodities remain low compared to the S&P 500 despite Brent price surge

Despite the recent surge in the Brent spot price, commodities remain historically low compared to the S&P 500. This analysis highlights the ratio between the S&P GSCI Commodity Index and the S&P 500. Three distinct peaks stand out, indicating periods when commodities were relatively expensive compared to the S&P 500: during the 1973/74 oil crisis, the 1990 Gulf War, and the 2008 global financial crisis.

Currently, the scenario is inverted, with commodities being relatively cheap compared to the S&P 500. An examination of deviations from the historical average reveals that such conditions were previously observed only before 1973, during the tech bubble, and now. This period also marks the longest stretch below the one standard deviation band. Unlike past instances, the ratio is now at an all-time low.

March CPI data shows persistent inflation, influencing Fed's rate decisions

US inflation appears to be stabilizing around 3%, but recent data suggest persistent pressures. This analysis delves into the CPI basket and the price movements of its individual components. Roughly 38% of the items have maintained their price levels or experienced a decrease compared to the previous year.

However, 36% of the items have seen an annual inflation rate exceeding 3%. With consumer prices increasing more than expected in March, financial markets now anticipate that the Federal Reserve might delay interest rate cuts until September. The mix of ongoing high inflation and a robust job market could influence the Fed's monetary policy decisions in the coming months.

US labor market shows strength amid tight conditions and rising jobless claims

The US labor market has demonstrated resilience, as evidenced by recent nonfarm payroll figures exceeding expectations despite slight increases in the unemployment rate. However, this 3.5–4% unemployment rate range is among the lowest recorded in recent decades. The labor market remains tight, with job vacancies outnumbering unemployed individuals.

Still, the impact of previous monetary tightening is anticipated to unfold over time, potentially affecting economic activity and employment adversely. To gauge job market health across states, we've created an indicator based on the ratio of states with increasing or decreasing continuing jobless claims. Historically, when all states have experienced rising jobless claims (tracked by a 12-month moving average), the unemployment rate has escalated, often signaling a recession. Currently, the indicator suggests that higher jobless claims across states have not reached 100%, having declined from above 95%. This may underscore the US labor market's resilience.

Goods and services inflation, leading indicators and Latin American GDP

Monetary policy and inflation trends

This chart highlights the interplay between global monetary policy and inflation trends. Global monetary breadth refers to the share of economies with higher, unchanged or lower policy rates compared to the previous month.

As inflation moderates globally, while remaining elevated, monetary tightening has been subdued, reflecting central banks' cautious approach to navigating economic recovery since the pandemic. At the same time, there has been a noticeable shift towards monetary easing, signaling a potential transition to a more accommodative policy stance.

This pivot may be due to several factors, including the need to support economic growth against the backdrop of global uncertainty and the stabilization of inflation rates closer to targets. Most central banks are currently maintaining policy rates, taking a wait-and-see approach to balance growth and inflation risks.

Services inflation outpacing goods

This comparison of goods vs. services inflation across 20 countries highlights several marked shifts arising from the pandemic. If a cell is highlighted in color, it indicates that in that month, country goods inflation was higher than that of services.

At first, a surge in goods prices reflected supply chain disruptions and a shift towards home-based consumption. However, this trend, from around the beginning of 2021 to mid-2023, was not uniform. Countries facing economic challenges such as Germany and Japan remained in this phase longer than others including the US and Ireland, which exited relatively early.

With the reopening of economies, there has been a reversion to the pre-pandemic norm, in which services inflation outpaced that of goods. Demand for services has resumed, likely due to increased consumer mobility and the rebalancing of spending towards travel, dining and leisure activities. Meanwhile, the stabilization in goods prices suggests an easing of supply chain pressures.

The Sahm rule and US recession risk

The Sahm rule, which focuses on the three-month moving average of the US unemployment rate, underlines the possibility of an upcoming recession. The rule identifies signals related to the start of a recession, when the three-month moving average of the unemployment rate rises by 0.5 percentage points or more relative to its low during the previous 12 months. The proportion of states triggering the Sahm rule is currently over 50 per cent, significantly higher than the historical benchmark of 31 per cent associated with recessions. The concentration of layoffs in sectors such as technology, finance and services amplifies concerns about an economic downturn, reflecting sector-specific vulnerabilities.

Yet, with most states continuing to experience larger unemployment claims, also seen in the worsening breadth of US Sahm's rule across states, let’s not be overly optimistic.

India’s forward price to earnings and long-term returns

India's equity market, buoyed by expectations of robust economic growth and supportive policy measures, has witnessed {{nofollow}}soaring valuations, particularly reflected in the forward P/E ratio reaching historic highs. The inverse relationship between the forward P/E ratio and long-term equity returns suggests that investors should be cautious, however, as higher valuations may herald lower future returns. Despite this, the MSCI India Index's profitability, with a projected annualized return of more than five per cent over the next decade at a forward P/E of around 22x – albeit lower than historical norms – indicates sustained investor confidence.

UK utility bill payment failures

Tracking debit card transactions is a well-known method for gathering alternative data that can provide valuable insights into consumer finances. The UK's {{nofollow}}Office for National Statistics (ONS), in collaboration with Pay.UK and Vocalink, has taken this a step further by presenting data on failed debit card transactions in the UK relating to utility bill payments. The analysis reveals that consumers are under increasing financial stress. Failed electricity bill payments have quadrupled since 2020 to 1.2 per cent of the total, in contrast to water bill payments, where the level of failures has remained stable. This points to the disproportionate impact of rising energy costs on household finances.

Latin American GDP per capita vs. US

The economic trajectory of Latin American countries relative to the US over the last four decades indicates a general trend of stagnation or decline in GDP per capita, with traditional economic powerhouses such as Mexico, Brazil and Argentina witnessing significant setbacks. Guyana is an exception, spurred by major offshore oil discoveries expected to transform it into the world's largest per capita oil producer. In 1980, Guyana’s per capita GDP was less than 20 per cent of that of the US, whereas by the end of 2024, the International Monetary Fund forecasts that Guyana will be nearly at level pegging with the US. This transformation of fortunes underscores the impact of natural resource wealth on economic development and highlights the divergent fortunes of different countries in Latin America.

Inflation data for emerging markets

Brazil continues to cut rates

The Central Bank of Brazil's reduction of policy rates for the sixth consecutive time last week represents a calculated response to a stable inflation landscape.

The 50 basis points cut, aiming to achieve a three per cent inflation target within a +/- 1.5 percentage point range, forms part of a proactive strategy to insulate the economy against global economic shocks.

Factors such as commodity prices, domestic demand and exchange rate movements have been carefully balanced to maintain inflation within the target range, illustrating the central bank's commitment to fostering economic stability and growth.

China sees subdued inflationary pressures

China's subdued inflationary pressures, driven by deflation in sectors such as food, beverages, tobacco, transport and communications, reflect the complex interplay of domestic and international factors.

The country's economic slowdown, impacted by softer consumer demand, challenges in the real estate sector and slower retail sales growth, has contributed to this deflationary trend.

While inflation rose in February, the Lunar New Year, with its volatile food and travelling prices, may have only a {{nofollow}}temporary impact; factory activity remained subdued. The People's Bank of China faces monetary policy challenges, with limited room for easing due to the yuan's depreciation. However, the global shift toward lower interest rates may provide some scope for accommodative policies.

India’s food and beverages boost inflation

India's consumer inflation remains above the four per cent {{nofollow}}target yet within the two to six per cent range, highlighting the significant impact of supply-side constraints and changing consumption patterns. Inflationary pressures mostly stem from food and non-alcoholic beverages, with other categories generally having softened over time.

Seasonal variations, crop yield fluctuations and supply chain disruptions have a major impact on food prices. The Reserve Bank of India's cautious stance, maintaining the policy rate at 6.5 per cent, reflects concerns over these inflationary pressures and demonstrates the central bank's focus on supporting growth without compromising price stability. 

Mexico’s mixed picture

Mexico's inflationary landscape highlights the multifaceted nature of price movements within the economy. Spikes in sectors such as insurance (up by 19.3 per cent) and tour packages (8.9 per cent), juxtaposed with declines in audiovisuals (down 7.2 per cent) and household items (1.4 per cent), point to varying demand patterns, changes in consumer preferences and external cost pressures.

These dynamics reflect Mexico's ongoing economic adjustments to global economic conditions, exchange rate volatility and domestic policy shifts. 

Poland’s inflation on target, with utility bills in focus

Poland's achievement of its inflation target band, with a 1.5 per cent drop in goods prices and high inflation in services, speaks to the complex economic adjustments under way. Key factors include labor market conditions, wage growth and external price pressures, particularly in the energy sector.

The focus on utility bills – water supply and sewage costs have surged by almost 10 per cent and there is an upcoming {{nofollow}}unfreezing of electricity prices – highlights the impact of government policies and global energy market trends on domestic inflation. 

Thailand’s unusual deflationary trend

Thailand's deflationary environment, which contrasts with global inflationary trends, underscores unique domestic challenges. These include softening demand and the impact of global economic uncertainties on its export-driven economy.

The most recent -0.8 per cent headline and 0.4 per cent core inflation rates in February are well below the 1-3 per cent target range, while the largest category of food and non-alcoholic beverages has been {{nofollow}}shrinking since last year.

The Bank of Thailand's policy meeting, revealing a {{nofollow}}split decision on interest rates, highlights the central bank's cautious approach towards stimulating economic activity without exacerbating inflationary pressures. Factors such as tourism trends, consumer confidence and fiscal policies play critical roles in shaping Thailand's inflation.

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