Webinars & seminars
August 6, 2024

Navigating the economic outlook for North America in H2 2024

Gain deep insights into the macro implications and market takeaways for North American economies in H2 2024.
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Webinars & seminars
August 6, 2024
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Navigating the economic outlook for North America in H2 2024


Sebastien McMahon
Carlos Serrano
John Velis


Meghna Shah




Watch our on-demand webinar and explore the macro implications and market takeaways for the North American economies in H2 2024. This session features:

  • Sébastien McMahon, Chief Strategist, Senior Economist & VP, Asset Allocation & Portfolio Manager, iA Global Asset Management
  • Carlos Serrano, Chief Economist, BBVA Mexico
  • John Velis, FX and Macro Strategy, BNY

Key topics include:

US Economic Outlook

  • Nearing an economic equilibrium?
  • Way forward for demand stability and inflation moderation
  • Fed’s reaction function and easing potential
  • Yield curve inferences

Canadian Economic Insights

  • Economy's per capita recession
  • All about debt levels, inflation, and interest rates
  • Household incomes vis-à-vis household debt
  • Implications for fixed income assets and exchange rate

Mexican Market Trends

  • Economic linkages to American electoral outcome
  • Balancing fiscal pressures post peak policy rates
  • Monetary policy to take cues from Fed
  • Sovereign yields, spreads, CDSs and exchange rates
Webinar video replay
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Navigating the economic outlook for North America in H2 2024






Watch our on-demand webinar and explore the macro implications and market takeaways for the North American economies in H2 2024. This session features:

  • Sébastien McMahon, Chief Strategist, Senior Economist & VP, Asset Allocation & Portfolio Manager, iA Global Asset Management
  • Carlos Serrano, Chief Economist, BBVA Mexico
  • John Velis, FX and Macro Strategy, BNY

Key topics include:

US Economic Outlook

  • Nearing an economic equilibrium?
  • Way forward for demand stability and inflation moderation
  • Fed’s reaction function and easing potential
  • Yield curve inferences

Canadian Economic Insights

  • Economy's per capita recession
  • All about debt levels, inflation, and interest rates
  • Household incomes vis-à-vis household debt
  • Implications for fixed income assets and exchange rate

Mexican Market Trends

  • Economic linkages to American electoral outcome
  • Balancing fiscal pressures post peak policy rates
  • Monetary policy to take cues from Fed
  • Sovereign yields, spreads, CDSs and exchange rates
Moderator & KEYNOTE
In-house speaker
Sebastien McMahon
Chief Strategist, Senior Economist & VP, Asset Allocation & Portfolio Manager
iA Global Asset Management
Moderator & KEYNOTE
In-house speaker
Carlos Serrano
Chief Economist
BBVA Mexico
Moderator & KEYNOTE
In-house speaker
John Velis
FX and Macro Strategy
This event will be recorded and the recording will be shared globally with Macrobond contacts and hosted on the Macrobond website and third-party video platforms.
!This event is private and only available for customers and subscribers of Macrobond. The event will be under Chatham House Rules and monetary policy will not be open for discussion. *Views will be those of the presenter and do not represent official views of the Bank of England or any of its Committees.
All opinions expressed in this content are those of the contributor(s) and do not reflect the views of Macrobond Financial AB.
All written and electronic communication from Macrobond Financial AB is for information or marketing purposes and does not qualify as substantive research.


Watch our on-demand webinar and explore the macro implications and market takeaways for the North American economies in H2 2024. This session features:

  • Sébastien McMahon, Chief Strategist, Senior Economist & VP, Asset Allocation & Portfolio Manager, iA Global Asset Management
  • Carlos Serrano, Chief Economist, BBVA Mexico
  • John Velis, FX and Macro Strategy, BNY

Key topics include:

US Economic Outlook

  • Nearing an economic equilibrium?
  • Way forward for demand stability and inflation moderation
  • Fed’s reaction function and easing potential
  • Yield curve inferences

Canadian Economic Insights

  • Economy's per capita recession
  • All about debt levels, inflation, and interest rates
  • Household incomes vis-à-vis household debt
  • Implications for fixed income assets and exchange rate

Mexican Market Trends

  • Economic linkages to American electoral outcome
  • Balancing fiscal pressures post peak policy rates
  • Monetary policy to take cues from Fed
  • Sovereign yields, spreads, CDSs and exchange rates
August 6, 2024
Hosted by:
Meghna Shah

Additional session

August 6, 2024
Hosted by:
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