One team.
One source of truth.
One source of truth.

Build from a single source of truth
Enhance trust in your research.
Data hub
Provide colleagues with simultaneous access to the same analyses based on the same data.Research hub
Confidently share charts knowing they will always be up to date.Charting hub
Charts automatically update when new data is released.
Exchange insights across teams
Macrobond enables others to build on your ideas while you are building on theirs.
For example:
For example:
Asset allocators…
…might use Macrobond Core to consolidate data from every traditional and alternative asset class so they can easily assess and chart relative values.
…could take this chart and explain the relative performance through additional macro themes and insights they find on our database. They could even forecast future interest rates.
Portfolio managers…
…may refer to the forecasts produced to inform their investment decisions, such as buying longer-dated securities.
Quantitative analysts…
…inspired by the macro themes shared by the economist, may decide to create a proprietary economic indicator by drawing down millions of data points via our powerful APIs.
…could then take the traditional analysis from the economist and overlay it with the proprietary data produced by the quant to create a new way of looking at the possible future direction of an investment strategy.

Stay productive
on the move is a read-only, web-based companion application that allows users to access Macrobond data and create, view and share charts from any device with an internet connection.
Revolutionize legacy workflows
Native integration for Microsoft Office applications
Share charts with a wider audience
Web Publish
Generate chart URLS to embed in blogs, web pages and social assets.
Chart Server
Automatically send charts to web pages, client portals and mobile apps.

Integrated third-party publishing tools