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October 31, 2023

CoreLogic Australia’s Home Value Indices are now available on Macrobond

Gain valuable insights into the Australian real estate market with CoreLogic’s proprietary indicators available to Macrobond subscribers
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We’re excited to announce that the CoreLogic Home Value Index and key data items from Market Trends are now available on Macrobond – providing Macrobond users with key insights into Australia’s property market.

The Home Values Index is divided into three housing types: detached houses, units, and a combined dwellings index that includes both houses and units. This breakdown provides a comprehensive view of the Australian property market.

Users of Macrobond can access a range of key real estate metrics at the National, State and Capital city levels. These metrics include the following:

  • Hedonic Home Value
  • Median Sales
  • Median Asking Rent
  • Vacancy Rate
  • Median Time on Market
  • Median Vendor Discount
  • Median AVM Rental Yield
  • Volume of Sales

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