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June 8, 2022

Macrobond partners with Indicio to deliver highly accurate, ML-powered forecasting solution

Multi-model tool allows users to rapidly build a wide range of sophisticated and statistically robust forecasts with zero coding.
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Macrobond, a leading provider of global economic, aggregate financial and sector data for finance professionals, has partnered with Indicio, the first user-friendly forecasting platform, to bring its advanced modelling and forecasting tools to Macrobond’s universe of economists, analysts and researchers.

Developed from the best practices of forecasting academia, the Indicio platform combines the latest statistical, AI and machine-learning models with a simple interface to increase accuracy, transparency, and speed. Customers can expect to detect trend shifts at least 1-2 months earlier, with a 40-60% improvement in overall accuracy. No other system on the market currently offers this step-change in capability.

Macrobond’s wealth of macroeconomic data – including almost 300 million time series – can be accessed directly from the Indicio platform via Macrobond’s API. Indicio automatically processes the imported data, identifies and ranks the most relevant indicators for forecasting the primary data point selected, then tests them against its rich library of univariate and multivariate models.

Customers can simultaneously build more than 50 different, highly advanced forecasting models without the need for time-consuming coding. Similar operations would normally take even the most experienced quants weeks to build and test.

These forecasts are easily integrated into Macrobond workflows, giving economists the best basis to make informed decisions in a matter of hours.

Howard Rees, Macrobond’s Chief Commercial Officer, said: “Part of our job at Macrobond has always been to seek out the very best new technologies available that will make our customers’ lives easier. This partnership is just the latest example of how we constantly try to improve outcomes, workflows and productivity. We are confident that our customers will see the immediate benefits of this partnership, as it solves some of the biggest challenges they face. Indicio gives them all the tools they need to forecast quickly and accurately and on one single and intuitive platform.”

Frans Anderson, Indicio’s Chief Executive Officer, said: "We are proud to announce Macrobond as our distribution partner within the macroeconomic and financial sector, and are looking forward to globally delivering an integrated data and forecasting solution that truly stands out in the market."

Donald Rissmiller, Macrobond customer, Indicio user and Founding Partner of Strategas Research Partners, said: “Indicio allows you to check all the boxes in a responsible way. Where before you were relying on either history or instinct or some sort of pre-conceived notion of what has worked for you, with Indicio, you’re creating an algorithm to sort through these things. It’s like having a team of quants to make sure you’re on the right path.”

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