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January 24, 2023

Macrobond’s Data Universe Now Available on Open:FactSet Marketplace

Investment professionals will be able to access data from Macrobond’s global offering of almost 300 million time series on the online platform
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Macrobond, the leading provider of time-series technology, is pleased to announce that its macroeconomic data universe is now available on the Open:FactSet Marketplace online platform.

Open:FactSet Marketplace users can access Macrobond’s content as of today, as well as subsets of the database captured by fixed-price packages addressing specific workflows –such as ESG, High-Frequency Indicators or Point-in-Time access to vintage timeseries. Macrobond is listing its full database of almost 300 million timeseries from over 2,500 national and international public sources.

The content is delivered by Macrobond’s Data Web API or FTP solutions.

Open:FactSet Marketplace becomes Macrobond’s latest channel to deliver the world’s most comprehensive source of economic intelligence for financial professionals – integrated with technology that helps users quickly find, analyse and visualise relevant data.

Gregoire Haftman, Head of Data Sales at Macrobond, said: We are pleased to make Macrobond’s time series available to the FactSet community, providing customers with greater and faster access to macroeconomic and top-down financial timeseries.

Macroeconomic intelligence is critical to any investment strategy. Democratising access to time series for research allows financial professionals to make better decisions and construct stronger portfolios as they face policy uncertainty, market volatility and geopolitical risks.”

Jonathan Reeve, Head of Content & Technology Solutions at FactSet, said: “We are very pleased to be adding Macrobond’s extensive economic suite of products to the Open;FactSet marketplace. Access to comprehensive and integrated economic intelligence is critical especially in times of significant volatility and geopolitical uncertainty.“

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