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November 16, 2021

Macrobond collaborates with Aviva Investors to launch ‘game-changing’ live sharing platform

New Macrobond Viewer gives Aviva Investors the ability to share ‘live’ research across its organisation instantly.
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Macrobond, a leading provider of global economic, aggregate financial and sector data for finance professionals, has teamed up with Aviva Investors (“Aviva”), to develop the Macrobond Viewer, a new way to seamlessly disseminate information across business lines using the Macrobond platform.

The tool allows Aviva's economists and portfolio managers to confidently share ‘live’ charts with one another, knowing that everyone will be viewing the same data at any given moment in time. The Macrobond Viewer has proved particularly valuable to portfolio managers monitoring key positions.

Sharing and analysing vast amounts of data and charts across multiple teams can be challenging for large organisations. With information and models updating constantly, it can quickly lead to loss of version control and compound inefficiencies. Knowing that everyone has the same up-to-date information across the organisation has eliminated this time-consuming process.

To drive better collaboration across the company, Aviva asked Macrobond to develop a solution, which resulted in the Macrobond Viewer.

Michael Grady, Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist at Aviva Investors, said: “What's really been the game changer for us is the way in which we've been able to engage the portfolio management teams. It has allowed us to get that ‘single source of truth’ and because it's live, we have the confidence to know that we are looking at the most up-to-date information. This really matters when you're trying to make those investment decisions.”

Grady added, “One of the biggest benefits that Macrobond provides to somebody like me who is undertaking the research and the analysis, is the incredible efficiency gains over using other spreadsheet-type packages. I see this with all the new hires who come into my team who may not have come across the product before. They just see how much efficiency they can gain.”

Howard Rees, Chief Commercial Officer, Macrobond, said: “Listening to and acting on feedback has always been core to our success, so actually partnering with a key client to address a workflow challenge they had felt like a natural next step. It’s been a great pleasure to work with Michael and the guys at Aviva, to realise their vision of bringing better collaboration and increased efficiencies to their teams. We are incredibly excited to now be able to provide Macrobond Viewer to all our customers so they too can collaborate more effectively with their teams.”

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