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May 26, 2021

Macrosynergy first to use Macrobond Web API data feed

Macrobond Web API gives economists, analysts and strategists instant access to more than 245 million macroeconomic and financial time-series data globally – in real-time and on-demand
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Macrobond, a leading provider of global economic, aggregate financial and sector data for finance professionals, has launched their Web API data feed to give customers direct access to millions of data points in real-time and on-demand. Macrobond users - including economists, analysts, quants, strategists, portfolio managers and asset allocators - are now able to  make even more immediate and informed decisions in a fast-paced investment environment.

Howard Rees, Chief Commercial Officer, Macrobond, said: “Access to timely economic intelligence to support investment decision processes has never been more important. What’s more, sophisticated analytical and collaboration tools are critical components to successfully interpret global macroeconomic trends and market developments. Our new Web API will allow us to deliver exponentially more data, quickly and seamlessly, directly into our customers’ operating environment.”

Gregoire Haftman, Head of Data Sales, Macrobond, who joined Macrobond in Q4 2020 to build this data feed offering, said: “When we developed our Web API, we wanted to make sure that our users can pull data from Macrobond’s servers via any statistical application or programming language. This means they can access millions of data points with simple requests and minimal response time, accurately and efficiently interpreting and analysing that data, without having to make changes to their existing systems and workflows. Our solution fits into any environment, locally or cloud-hosted, SQL or NoSQL driven.”

Macrobond gives customers access to more than 245 million macroeconomic and financial time series from over 2,000 global sources and 450 countries and regions. The true-to-source data include 27 million point-in-time series with revision history and 34 million high-frequency data sets backed by the industry’s most extensive metadata – allowing users to quickly search and refine their queries.  

Macrosynergy, an investment and technology company that pioneered quantitative fundamental macro trading strategies, was the first customer to use Macrobond’s Web API service.

Dr. Ralph Sueppel, Managing Director for Systems & Trading Strategies, Macrosynergy, said: “We visualise big picture macro themes by assembling relevant, cleaned and curated macroeconomic data. We then transform that data across developed and emerging markets into quantitative indicators through intuitive transformations, high quality controls, deploying point-in-time timestamps and applying strict out-of-sample estimation and construction decisions. Being able to access Macrobond’s huge database through a Web API has allowed us to dramatically increase the speed with which we onboard new data, which means we can share insights and make informed decisions even more quickly.”

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