Macrobond 1.11
The new version can be installed directly via the Macrobond platform by clicking the yellow line which appears on the screen or by selecting Check for update on the Help menu. If you need assistance, a description of how to upgrade is provided by our IT-department, which may be found here.
Selection of new functionality
You can now download as well as upload Macrobond time series in MATLAB.

There is documentation with examples and requirements on our website.
Enhancements in the Regression analysis
The Regression analysis now supports the creation of several models within one instance of the analysis. Each model has separate settings.

The report will contain information about all the models.
The covariance matrix has been moved from the report and can be viewed by using the Matrix presentation. This also makes it possible to copy a Macrobond Excel Data set with the matrix data. The matrix is calculated only for the first model.
There is a new option for adding residuals for forecasted values to the series of residuals. The Standard error of the forecasts is presented in the report.

Chart enhancements
You can select the position of the legend to be below, above, on the sides or floating. When not floating, the alignment can be set. There is a new setting for the margin around the text of the legend.

In the chart above we have also made use of the new settings for the margin between columns , hi-lo-close and stripe graphs. For column charts, you can also set the relative size between groups which emphasises what columns that go together.

We have also introduced a setting for the margin between panes .

Another new type of margin that you can set is an extra end margin called “End margin”. This will add some extra margin to the right of the x-axis when you are at the end of the time series.

You can see what this looks like in the chart below. This margin will only be applied when no end date has been set for the display margin.

In the chart above, you can also see that the years are written without the century. This is accomplished by changing the new setting called “Include century”:

As you can see from the same settings panel, you can now turn off the automatic step length logic for the time axis and specify your own step length. In the example below, the step length has been set to 5 years.

In this chart you might also notice that the tick marks are inside the graph area . This is accomplished by the new setting called “Tick position”, which is available for both x and y axes.

The last new chart setting we have introduced in this version is called “Include new series automatically”. It is turned on by default. By turning it off, new series will not be automatically added to the chart. You can still add them in the Graph layout dialog (Ctrl+L).

Sort analysis
With the new Sort analysis, you can sort values in either an ascending or descending order. The most common usage is to sort the values after the Scalar analysis, which can be seen in the example below.

Histogram analysis
The Histogram analysis can calculate the empirical distribution of a series as the density or cumulative distribution. There are two kernels to choose from. This can then be presented in a chart as a histogram. You can compare with a normal distribution as shown in the chart below.

The report contains common statistics such as skewness and kurtosis.
You can find comprehensive documentation on our website.
New calculations
We have added functions for calculating the mean value of the upper and lower tails to the Scalar analysis, Cross section analysis and also as formula functions.
The method Average absolute correlation has been added to the Cross section analysis as a complement to the Average correlation method.
Some new formula functions have been added: DateAtOrAfter, Kurtosis, Skewness, LowerTailMean and UpperTailMean. There is also a new version of the PercentRank function that takes a window length.
Recent searches
When entering text in the search field, you now get suggestions based on earlier searches. You can select among the previous searches by using the arrow down key and enter or clicking using the mouse.

Forecast editor supporting scale
You can now set the scale when you enter the forecasts:

Enhancements in the Excel add-in
When importing time series you can set the default output options:

When importing the result from a Macrobond document in a Macrobond Excel Data set, there is a new setting for the analysis description text:

Selection of new content
Consensus estimates from Consensus Economics
Minor additions
- Basic macro coverage initiated for Middle Eastern countries
- Australian surveys from the Melbourne Institute
- NBER Macro History database
- The Conference Board TED database
- Chinese property data from SouFun-CREIS
Soon to be released
Property indices for Scandinavia and the U.K. from IPD as an add-on database.