Macrobond 1.7
The new version can be installed directly via the Macrobond platform by clicking the yellow line that appears on the screen or by selecting Check for update on the Help menu. If you need assistance, a description of how to upgrade is provided by the IT-department, which may be found here. Simply click Upgrade for further instructions.
Selection of new functionality
Bloomberg connector
If you are running Bloomberg Terminal on the same computer as the Macrobond application, you can use historical time series from Bloomberg in the application.

You can find more information about this connector on the Getting started web page.
Formula analysis
The Formula analysis makes it possible to use the powerful formula language after some other analysis in the Analysis tree.

Locate series in tree
When you select a time series, there is now a group of actions in the Action bar called “Locate series in tree”.

Selecting one of the actions will open the location of the series in the time series tree in the Browse activity.
Regression coefficients as series
The Regression analysis now produces the estimated coefficients as a category series. This means that you can easily view them in a chart or export them to Excel.

Category series in the Arithmetic analysis
The Arithmetic analysis can now be used with category series. This means that it can, for example, be used after the Slice analysis.
Selection of new content
Increased coverage of European banks
Company report data for about 20 major European banks added.
Additional banking data from BIS
We have added more data on banking from BIS, foreign claims on an ultimate risk basis. The best way to access all the new data is through here, tables 9D to 9E:
Economics – by source > BIS (The Bank for International Settlements) > BIS Banking Statistics
Emerging Market data from IIF
Investment flows, current account items and some other interesting items for emerging markets added and available here:
Economics – by region > Emerging Markets > Forecasts > Institute of International Finance
The ONS database
Macrobond can now offer the complete ONS database which includes an extensive range of economic time series for the United Kingdom. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is the UK Government’s main survey organisation and its main producer of official statistics.
The ONS is responsible for the production of a wide range of economic and social statistics, including:
- the UK’s National Accounts (such as Gross Domestic Product, National Income and Expenditure)
- the UK Balance of Payments
- government output and activity
- business output and activity
- prices (such as consumer and producer)
- the labour market (such as employment, unemployment and earnings)
The ONS database can be found directly in the ONS view. The time series are available at various frequencies, both in seasonally, calendar, trend adjusted and non-adjusted forms. The data can be browsed by publication with structure of components directly following the source’s pattern, which should make it easy to find and identify certain series. It is also possible to search for series by their ONS identifiers as they were incorporated into IDs of corresponding series in the Macrobond database. All ONS series previously available are still listed in the Economics view in Macrobond.