Macrobond 1.15
The new version can be installed directly via the Macrobond platform by clicking the yellow line which appears on the screen or by selecting Check for update on the Help menu. If you need assistance, a description of how to upgrade may be found here. You might need additional help from your IT-department.
Selection of new functionality
Bar charts
There is a new type of chart called “Bar charts.” They are not time charts, but show “items” as rows. The columns can be text or graphs
The name “bar chart” is perhaps a bit misleading since they can contain more than just bars and you can actually omit all bars.
Here is an example with three columns; one text column and two bar graph columns.

Bar charts can be copied and updated in Office documents and through the Web publishing feature, just like other charts. You can find documentation about Bar charts here or by pressing F1 in the application when you have a Bar chart on the screen.
Accompanying the new chart type are some new Actions that you can execute after selecting some time series. These presentations can be used as a quick overview or, by selecting Open in Analytics, as a convenient starting point for your own charts.
Bar chart, last value
This will show the last value as the proportion of the total for each series as a percentage. The values are sorted in descending order.

Bar chart, proportions
This will show the last value as the proportion of the total for each series as a percentage. The values are sorted in descending order.

Table, last value, c.o.p.
This will actually use a Bar chart presentation, but without presenting any bars. Instead it will show a summary with the last value, the change since the last period and the change since one year back.

Vector Auto Regression analysis
The Vector Auto Regression analysis estimates a linear dynamic system containing a number of equations. The analysis can produce fitted values and forecasts for a number of and a number of statistics.

Support for several models in the Principal component analysis

New calculation in Scalar
There is a new method in the Scalar analysis called “Percentage proportion” that for each series calculates the proportion of the sum at a specified point in time. This is used by the Bar chart, proportions Action.
When specifying a point in time there is a new type of relative reference that allows you to specify a relative length in the unit of the frequency that the series had before it was converted to a higher frequency. For instance, in a document with monthly data, specifying “-1n” for a quarterly series will refer to the value three months from the end. This is used by the Table, last value, c.o.p. Action.
Display range for tables
You can now specify the display range for table presentations.

Selection of date in time tables
For frequencies other than daily, you can select if you want “labels” such as “2011 Q1” or dates for the observations.

Structured lists of series for some sources
We have added the capability to show lists of series in the data browser with more structure. This will primarily be used to present data more like the source in the “Economics – by source” view. We have started to add structure to some important sources such as

You can use the slider at the top to show all or only the top levels of the structure. The checkbox “Flat” will show the series in a long list as it used to be in older versions of the application.
Discontinued series
When there are discontinued series in a document, you can bring up the Discontinued series dialog. For some series there may be information on why it has been discontinued. For some series there might even be suggestions for alternate series and you can choose to make a replacement.

Convert Macrobond Excel Data set to Macrobond Document Data set
In the Excel add-in you can now easily convert an ordinary Macrobond Data set to a Data set that contains an embedded Macrobond document. This makes it easier to use all the power of the Macrobond application, such as seasonal adjustment, for the data that you export to Excel.

Locate in tree in Macrobond Data set

Links to Time series information for downloaded series in Excel
When downloading time series by using the Macrobond Excel add-in, you can now select to make the series title a link to the Time series information in the Macrobond application.

Missing value method “Next value”
There is a new method that can be used for filling in missing values called “Next value.” It fills in the missing value with the next valid value.
Macrobond process as 64-bit
The 64-bit version of Macrobond now not only supports 64-bit versions of Office, MATLAB and EViews, but the Macrobond program also runs in 64-bit mode. This means that the application can take advantage of more than 2 GB RAM.
- Copy or move account in-house series
- Option for drawing the graph area border only at the bottom in time charts
- Option for “Insert blank item above/below” on the context menu in the Data set dialog in the Macrobond Excel add-in