Macrobond 1.19
Selection of new functionality
Data Navigation
Filters in the Data Tree
You can now use a predefined list of Regions in the Data Tree. This Region filter will be applied on any category or sub-category that contains a Region tree.

Filters in the Release Activity
You can now apply a set of filter lists for regions and sources to filter releases in the Release Activity. These filters are the same as the ones that you define in the Search Activity.
If you preferred selecting regions the old way, you can still use the tab “Region”.

Circling a range of observations
Observation labels can now refer to a range of values and to a range of graphs.
Copy / Pasting the style of graphs, ornaments and annotations
You can now copy a graph, ornament or graph annotation and then right click and select “Paste style” to apply it to another object of the same type.

Copy / Pasting of ornaments and annotations
In Macrobond 1.19, you can copy & paste ornaments and annotations within the same chart, or in another chart.
Keep in mind:
- Observation labels are pasted by selecting a point on the series graph
- If the text box or the observation label contains dynamic text referring to a specific series, this text will likely not work when applied to a different chart.
Line graph dashed from the end
When applying a dashed line-style in your charts, it’s possible that some data points may fall between the dashes when there are many points on a line. This is usually not a problem, but it can become one if the graph happens to end with the space between dashes. We now make sure that a graph always ends with a dash rather than a space so that the last data point is always visible.
As the end of a graph is typically more important, this might mean the gap is placed at the start of the line instead.
Scatter Charts
- Step Length for the X-axis
There is now a setting for the Step length for x-axis in scatter charts.
Series List
- Sorting series in the Series Information tab
You can now sort the time series listed in the Series Information tab. The state will be stored per document.
X-13 Seasonal Adjustment analysis
- Chinese New Year
There is an option for selecting “Chinese New Year” as a regression variable in the X-13 Seasonal adjustment analysis. This works only for monthly data.
Download the Macrobond document below for an example of how this analysis can be used.
- Trend constant regression variable
You can add a trend constant regression variable by checking box in the constant column.
- Trimean
The formula “Trimean” has been added. It returns the Tukey’s trimean.
Regression analysis
- “Diff” setting
A new setting, called Diff, has been added to the Regression analysis. Selecting it will use the first order of differences of the series in the model. The result will be converted back to levels.

VECM Analysis
- Cholesky’s method for impulse response
Presentation Documents
- Fixed Layout for the Paginator option
This setting allows you to set the same chart layout for the last page, when automatically dividing charts into separate pages using the paginator. Without this setting the layout (and size of charts) will adapt to the number of charts on the last page.

- Chart names
When you rename the chart nodes in the analysis tree, this is the name that will be used for the chart in presentation documents. In version 1.19, If you haven’t renamed the chart nodes, the document name will be used instead “time chart” for example.

- Auto-recovery
The application will automatically save a snapshot of all documents that are open, every 30 seconds. These will be used if the application is terminated abnormally. When closing the application normally, you’ll be prompted to keep these snapshots or discard them. This feature will also be used to remember the state when the computer is restarted by Windows Update.
- File | Revert
This command will revert the document to the state of the document that was last saved.
- Context menu for tabs in Browse and Analytics
There is now a context menu when you right click on a tab in Analytics and Browse. These options are available on the view menu too.

How To Upgrade
The new version can be installed directly via the Macrobond application by clicking on the yellow ribbon, which appears on the screen, or by selecting Check for update in the Help menu. If you need assistance, a description of how to upgrade can be found here.