Macrobond 1.14
The new version can be installed directly via the Macrobond platform by clicking the yellow line which appears on the screen or by selecting Check for update on the Help menu. If you need assistance, a description of how to upgrade may be found here. You might need additional help from your IT-department.
Selection of new functionality
Horizontal and vertical lines in charts
The lines, called axis annotations, are associated with a value or date on the axis. There can be labels that are displayed either in the graph area or as axis value labels.

There is an example in the chart library.
New user interface for the Smoothing analysis
You can now specify several methods per series. There are also a couple of new filter types: Baxter-King and Christiano-Fitzgerald band pass filters.

There is an example in the chart library.
Added option to store snapshot of in-house series
The application can now store a snapshot of all in-house series in a document, which is useful when sharing documents.
This is enabled in the new Document properties dialog that can be found on the File menu,

There is also a corresponding option when sending support messages. By including in-house data in the document, the support team can address your query more efficiently.

Per document series
You can now define series that are available only in the current document. This is useful if you have some data that you will only use once. The “Paste document series…” button will paste the result of a copied document series or text consisting of one date and one value column

Document keywords
You can specify one or more keywords for a document. These keywords can then be used when searching for documents in the File Open/Save dialog.
The keywords are specified in the Document properties dialog.
Seasonal adjustment using Census X-13
There is a new analysis that allows you to do seasonal adjustment using the Census X-13-ARIMA-SEATS program. This is a superset of the X-11 and X-12-ARIMA programs.

There is an example in the chart library.
Principle components analysis
The Principle components analysis allows you to calculate a set of linearly uncorrelated series, or components, from a set of possibly correlated series. The calculated series are calculated using an orthogonal transform so that the first series captures the highest possible variance of the original set of series. Each successive series captures the highest possible remaining variance under the constraint that it is orthogonal to the preceding series.
The analysis also presents the eigenvectors, as a matrix, and the eigenvalues as a category series.

There is an example in the chart library.
Multiple tabs in the Search activity
Sometimes it is convenient to retain the result from a previous search when doing a new search. Now you can do another search in a new tab.

Specifying the window length unit in more places
We have added the option to specify the unit, such as year, in a number of places where a period length is specified:

New formula functions
Some new formula functions have been added:
BkFilter, CfRandomWalkFilter, CfStationaryFilter, CorrelationBestLag, Drawdown, LowObs, HighObs, EndOfWeekAhead, StartOfWeek
Additional fields for series in the Excel add-in
You can select additional fields to be included when importing data into an Excel sheet. The set of fields will depend on the series that you have selected

Multiple local document stores
You can now specify several local directories for documents that will be displayed in the File Open/Save dialog.

- Improved tooltips in Series browser tree to include information about the location in the tree.
- A Search tab has been added when you browse for series in the EViews add-in. We have also added support for pasting a list of series names.
- Lines in tree controls, such as the analysis tree, makes it easier to see the relations.
- Keyboard navigation for Add/Insert analysis. You can type the beginning of the analysis name to select and then press enter to execute.
- You can now duplicate a branch of the analysis tree by selecting Duplicate on Edit or context the menu or by pressing Ctrl+2.
- You can duplicate a set of expressions in the Series list by selecting them and then select Duplicate on the Edit or context menu or by pressing Ctrl+2.
- You can turn off the labels on the x and y axes in charts so that the text is not presented.
- There are now settings for each graph to use the alternate scale setting in the graph layout dialog.