We’ve added uncertainty metrics for financial markets and the macroeconomic outlook as calculated by Sydney Ludvigson, professor of economics at New York University and a co-director of the National Bureau of Economic Research Asset Pricing Program.
Her methodology in creating these metrics can be found in this research paper:
In the chart below, we calculated the average value, high-low range and percentiles for the indices on a historic basis, and compared them with the most recent value available (June 2022). While financial market uncertainty is historically high (a bit above the 80t percentile), broader macro uncertainty is even higher when compared with historic norms.
We’ve expanded our real estate coverage for Japan with the addition of office rental prices from Sanko Estate.
The dataset covers Tokyo, Osaka, Sendai, Nagoya, Fukuoka, and Sapporo and is also broken down by city districts.
In the chart below, we looked at the year-on-year percentage change of rental prices in Tokyo. It appears that variation depends on the office size: larger buildings have been penalized the most since the beginning of the pandemic, and still are displaying negative growth year on year.
We’ve added macroeconomic expectations from the central bank. Various macroeconomic variables are available.
In the chart below, we focus on 12- and 24-month inflation expectations and compare them with IMF forecasts. A rapid slowdown is anticipated over the next year, but inflation will remain historically high for the coming 24 months.
We’ve expanded our data coverage with the addition of foreign-held debt, broken down by country, sourced from the National Bank of Angola.
The chart below tracks ownership since 2012. Chinese investors currently hold almost half of Angola’s foreign debt. The second-largest holders are U.K.-based investors, whose percentage share has increased significantly since 2018.
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