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May 6
May 17, 2024

Coastal transport in Japan and the Asia Power Index

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The latest data additions include Japan's coastal vessel transportation statistics and the Lowy Institute's Asia Power Index, among others.
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May 6
May 17, 2024



We’ve added coastal vessel transportation statistics from the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport & Tourism. While Japan is often aggregated as four main islands connected with bridges and bullet trains, official statistics report that the archipelago consists of over 14,000 islands. Coastal transportation is therefore a key element for domestic trade, especially when considering the environmental impact.

The chart below tracks the 12-month rolling aggregated vessel tonnage for coastal transportation, as well as its year-over-year change in the second pane. While the trend level was fairly stable in the 2010s, the pandemic significantly impacted coastal vessel transportation with an average 50,000-ton drop on a 12-month cumulative basis.


We’ve added the “Asia Power Index” created by the Lowy Institute. Its aim is to measure the ability of countries to shape and respond to their external environment. Eight underlying indicators divided between resource-based and influence-based determinants of power are used to compile the overall index with specific weights. The methodology can be consulted {{nofollow}}here.

In the bar chart below, we ranked each country based on their latest index value for 2023 and added the 5-year change for relative comparison. The results show that the United States maintained a narrow edge over China as the leading power in the region. The gap is then significant between these two countries and the next most important powers in the region, Japan and India, indicating that Asia is far from moving towards a multipolar power distribution system.

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Unemployment Rate

Source & Release > Belize [bz, Region] > Statistical Institute of Belize > Employment [rel_bzsiblama, Release]


Auto Sales, Retail & Wholesale (Monthly)

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Vehicle Sales & Registrations > Sales of Automobile Industry > Passenger Cars > By Manufacturer

Czech Republic

Financial Accounts

Country & Region > Czech Republic [cz, Region] > Financial Accounts [flof, Category]

Industrial Production, SA

Country & Region > Czech Republic [cz, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Industrial Summary > Output  


Domestic loans from Banks, outstanding amounts

Country & Region > Denmark [dk, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > Banks > Loans > Domestics Loans from Banks > Outstanding Amounts


Industrial Production Output

Country & Region > Hungary [hu, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Industrial Summary > Output


Manufacturing Production by Economic Activity

Source & Release > Estonia [ee, Region] > Statistics Estonia > Manufacturing Production by Economic Activity [rel_eestatprodmon, Release]


Tax Revenues

Country & Region > Italy [it, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Tax Revenues 

Euro Area Economy Coincident Indicator

Country & Region > Italy [it, Region] > Surveys & Leading Indicators [surv, Category] > Leading Indicators > Bank of Italy > Coincident Index


Coastwise Vessel Transport

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Transport & Communications [tran, Category] > Traffic > Coastal 

Investment Goods Price Index

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Investment Goods Index

Prewar Base Price Index

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Prewar Base Index

New Zealand

Rental Bonds, median rent

Country & Region > New Zealand [nz, Region] > Construction & Real Estate [cons, Category] > Real Estate > Real Estate Indicators > Rental Bonds > New Zealand Tenancy Service > Median Rent


National Accounts, GFCF breakdowns

Country & Region > Philippines [ph, Region] > National Accounts [naac, Category] > Gross Domestic Product > Summary


Consolidated Central Government budget operations

Country & Region > Poland [pl, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Budgets > Central Government Budget > Operations of the Consolidated Central Level  

MFI Loans & Other Claims on individuals

Country & Region > Poland [pl, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > MFIs > Loans & Other Claims > By Entity > On Individuals

MFI Loans & Other Claims to individuals

Country & Region > Poland [pl, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > MFIs > Loans & Other Claims > By Entity > To Individuals

MFI Loans & Other Claims to individual entrepreneurs

Country & Region > Poland [pl, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > MFIs > Loans & Other Claims > By Entity > To Individual Entrepreneurs

Foreign Direct Investment Inflow

Country & Region > Poland [pl, Region] > Balance of Payments [bopa, Category] > Foreign Direct Investment > Inflows

State Treasury Debt by Maturity: residual maturity

Country & Region > Poland [pl, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Public Debt > General Government Debt > By Maturity > Residual Maturity of State Treasury Debt

State Treasury Debt by Maturity: average maturity and duration

Country & Region > Poland [pl, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Public Debt > General Government Debt > By Maturity > Average Maturity Profile & Duration of State Treasury Debt


Monetary Survey

Source & Release > Tajikistan [tj, Region] > National Bank of Tajikistan > Monetary Survey [rel_tjmonsurv, Release]

United States

UBPR Peer Group Average Report

Source & Release > United States [us, Region] > Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council > UBPR Peer Group Average Report [rel_usffiecubprpgar, Release] > Asset Yields & Funding Costs 


Lowy Institute Asia Power Index

Country & Region > World [world, Region] > ESG [esgc, Category] > Overall ESG > Lowy Institute > Asia Power Index

IMF Public Finances in Modern History

Source & Release > World [world, Region] > International Monetary Fund (IMF) > Public Finances in Modern History [rel_imffpp, Release]

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