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Aug 12
Sep 6, 2024

G20 TIGER Indices, Malaysian Inflation, and Key Australian Business Indicators

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Key highlights include the release of G20 TIGER Composite Indices, offering insights into the global economic cycle, a detailed breakdown of Malaysia’s inflation data, and new business indicators from Australia.
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Aug 12
Sep 6, 2024



We’ve recently added the TIGER Composite indices from the Brookings Institute. TIGER stands for Tracking Indices for the Global Economic Recovery.

The dataset covers most of the G20 economies, and uses PCA as a method to combine multiple economic and financial variables together as one index. A detailed methodology can be found here.

In the chart below we calculated the median and several percentile bands for all individual countries available. We then displayed the United States TIGER index together with a few additional countries: China, United Kingdom, and Germany.

We can see a different trajectory path between the United States and the three other economies: the U.S. TIGER index sits at the top of the 90% percentile, while the indices for Germany, China, and the U.K. are in the lowest 25th percentile, Germany being even in the lowest 10th percentile.    


Regional CPI breakdowns are now available at a subnational level for Malaysia. In the bar chart below, we displayed the headline CPI year-on-year growth rate for each Malaysian state and federal territory for the past 8 months.

Using the conditional formatting “rule” setting, we can see that Pahang, Sarawak, Selangor and Penang are the four Malaysian states having the highest inflation rate.  

Full listing


NAB Business Survey, By Industry (Monthly)

Country & Region > Australia [au, Region] > Surveys & Leading Indicators [surv, Category] > Business Surveys > National Australia Bank > Business Survey (Monthly) > By Industry

NAB Business Survey, Key Statistics (Quarterly)

Country & Region > Australia [au, Region] > Surveys & Leading Indicators [surv, Category] > Business Surveys > National Australia Bank > Business Survey (Quarterly) > Key Statistics > Not Seasonally Adjusted  


CANSIM Tables: 14-10-0387-01: Labour force characteristics, 3 months moving-average, NSA, last 5 months 

Source & Release > Canada [ca, Region] > Statistics Canada > CANSIM Database > CANSIM > Labour > Employment and unemployment > 14-10-0387-01 - Labour force characteristics, three-month moving average, unadjusted for seasonality, last 5 months

CANSIM Tables: 14-10-0327-01: Labour force characteristics, by sex and detailed age group, annual

Source & Release > Canada [ca, Region] > Statistics Canada > CANSIM Database > CANSIM > Labour > Employment and unemployment > 14-10-0327-01 - Labour force characteristics by sex and detailed age group, annual


CSI Securities Index

Source & Release > China [cn, Region] > China Securities Index Company Limited > China CSI Securities [rel_cncsisec, Release]

Czech Republic 

Mortgage Loans 

Country & Region > Czech Republic [cz, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > Commercial Banks > Mortgage Loans


Annual National Accounts: Table NABP19 1-2.1.1: Output per industry

Source & Release > Denmark [dk, Region] > Statistics Denmark > National Accounts (Annual) [rel_denstatnaacy, Release] > Industries > Production, Value Added & Compensation of Employees > NABP19 1-2.1.1 Production & Generation of Income (19A2-Grouping) by Transaction, Industry & Price Unit


Balance of Payments: Portfolio Investments Assets, by Region

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Balance of Payments [bopa, Category] > Methodology: BPM6 > National > Financial Account > Portfolio Investment > Regions > Assets > Total  

Air Transport Statistic: Domestic visitors

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Tourism [tour, Category] > Domestic Visitors

Monthly Labour Survey: Special Survey, Contractual Cash Earnings

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Income & Earnings [inea, Category] > Earnings > Contractual Cash Earnings > Special Survey

Monthly Labour Survey: Special Survey, Employment Turnover

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Labor Market [lama, Category] > Employment > Turnover > Special Survey

Monthly Labour Survey: Special Survey, Days Worked

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Labor Market [lama, Category] > Productivity, Costs & Hours Worked > Days Worked > Total > Special Survey

Monthly Labour Survey: Special Survey, Hours Worked

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Labor Market [lama, Category] > Productivity, Costs & Hours Worked > Hours Worked > National > Total > Special Survey


Depository Corporations Survey

Source & Release > Georgia [ge, Region] > National Bank of Georgia > Depository Corporations Survey [rel_genbgdepcor, Release]


Gross Agricultural Production Index

Source & Release > Lithuania [lt, Region] > Statistics Lithuania > Agricultural Production Index [rel_ltagprodin, Release]


Freight Indicators, Roads

Country & Region > Luxembourg [lu, Region] > Transport & Communications [tran, Category] > Freight Indicators > Roads


Regional CPI Breakdowns

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Consumer Price Index > Regional

Bond Market Statistics

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Bond Statistics > Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) > Bonds

Capital Market Statistics

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Capital Market Statistics > Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) > Capital Market

Derivative Market Statistics

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Derivatives Statistics > Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) > Derivatives  

Equity Market Statistics

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Securities Statistics > Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) > Equity

New Zealand

Regional Motor Vehicle Registrations

Country & Region > New Zealand [nz, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Vehicle Sales & Registrations


National Government Outstanding Debt (Monthly)

Country & Region > Philippines [ph, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Debt Government Securities Issuances


Russian Secured Funding Average Rate (RUSFAR Indicator)  

Country & Region > Russia [ru, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Repo Rates > Moscow Exchange (MOEX)


Government Benchmarks, National Bank of Serbia, Coupon Rate of 10Y Bond 

Country & Region > Serbia [rs, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Government Benchmarks > Serbian Ministry of Finance


External Debt, Principal

Country & Region > Thailand [th, Region] > Foreign Finance [fofi, Category] > Foreign Debt

Tourism Receipts

Country & Region > Thailand [th, Region] > Tourism [tour, Category] > Tourism Receipts

Tourism, Length of Stay

Country & Region > Thailand [th, Region] > Tourism [tour, Category] > Length of Stay


Balance of Payments

Source & Release > Tunisia [tn, Region] > Central Bank of Tunisia > Balance of Payments [rel_tncbbopa, Release]


MAS Survey of Professional Forecasters

Country & Region > Singapore [sg, Region] > Forecasts [fcst, Category] > Monetary Authority of Singapore > Expectations of the S$NEER Policy Band

South Korea

Producer Price Index Weights: Basic group

Country & Region > South Korea [kr, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Producer Price Index > Producer Price Indexes (Basic Groups)

Producer Price Index Weights: Items group

Country & Region > South Korea [kr, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Producer Price Index > Producer Price Indexes (Item Groups)

Producer Price Index Weights: Special group

Country & Region > South Korea [kr, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Producer Price Index > Producer Price Indexes (Special Groups)

United Kingdom 

Rental Price Index

Country & Region > United Kingdom [gb, Region] > Construction & Real Estate [cons, Category] > Real Estate > Real Estate Prices > Residential > Rental Price Index > U.K. Office for National Statistics (ONS)

Rental Prices

Country & Region > United Kingdom [gb, Region] > Construction & Real Estate [cons, Category] > Real Estate > Real Estate Prices > Residential > Rental Prices > U.K. Office for National Statistics (ONS)

United States 

Senate Election Winner 

Source & Release > United States [us, Region] > Polymarket > Senate Election Winner [rel_uspolymarketsew, Release]

Presidential Election Winner 

Source & Release > United States [us, Region] > Polymarket > Presidential Election Winner [rel_uspolymarketpew, Release]

CPI Release Dates 

Source & Release > United States [us, Region] > Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis > CPI Release Dates [rel_usblspriccpird, Release]

General Election  

Source & Release > United States [us, Region] > RealClearPolitics (RCP) > General Election [rel_usrcppolige, Release]

Simple Monetary Policy Rules 

Source & Release > United States [us, Region] > Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland > Simple Monetary Policy Rules [rel_uscfedsmpr, Release]

Household Debt & Credit Report (Annual)  

Source & Release > United States [us, Region] > Federal Reserve Bank of New York > Household Debt & Credit Report (Annual) [rel_usfednyhhdc, Release]

Quarterly Financial Report (QFR): Manufacturing, Mining, Trade & Selected Service Industries (Financial Tables) 

Source & Release > United States [us, Region] > U.S. Census Bureau > Quarterly Financial Report (QFR): Manufacturing, Mining, Trade & Selected Service Industries


Stocks of Government Securities

Source & Release > Zambia [zm, Region] > Zambia Ministry of Finance > Stocks of Government Securities [rel_zmmofsgs, Release]


Brookings - Financial Times Tracking Indexes for the Global Economic Recovery (TIGER) 

Source & Release > United States [us, Region] > Brookings Institution / Financial Times > Brookings - Financial Times Tracking Indexes for the Global Economic Recovery (TIGER) [rel_usbrookingssurv, Release]

London Metal Exchange Steel Futures

Futures > Futures - Continuation Series > Metals > Steel > London Metal Exchange

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