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Jul 15
Aug 9, 2024

Global data additions with a focus on US elections

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Our latest data additions include critical indicators across multiple countries, including U.S. election betting odds, China's regional trade, and Canada's labor market.
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Jul 15
Aug 9, 2024


United States

As the U.S. elections approach, we've added betting odds from Polymarket. The dataset covers all possible combinations of power balance: the presidential seat, Senate majority, and House majority.

We displayed these combinations in the chart below as a stacked area. Democrats experienced difficult weeks following the televised debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden; however, betting odds rebounded shortly after Kamala Harris was nominated as the new presidential candidate for the Democrats.

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Consolidated Final Account

Country & Region > Bahrain [bh, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Consolidated Government Budget 


Core CPI exc. Food & Energy (EXFE), Change P/P

Country & Region > Brazil [br, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Consumer Price Index > National > Extended National Consumer Price Index (IPCA) > Special Series > Core


Foreign Trade in USD

Country & Region > Cambodia [kh, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Foreign Trade > Total 


CANSIM Tables: 14-10-0419-01: Employment by Occupation

Source & Release > Canada [ca, Region] > Statistics Canada > CANSIM Database > CANSIM > Labour > Employment and unemployment > 14-10-0419-01 - Employment by occupation, census metropolitan areas, annual

14-10-0384-01: Employment by Industry

Source & Release > Canada [ca, Region] > Statistics Canada > CANSIM Database > CANSIM > Labour > Employment and unemployment > 14-10-0384-01 - Employment by industry, census metropolitan areas, annual

14-10-0384-01: Labour force characteristics

Source & Release > Canada [ca, Region] > Statistics Canada > CANSIM Database > CANSIM > Labour > Employment and unemployment > 14-10-0385-01 - Labour force characteristics, annual

14-10-0390-01: Work absence of full-time employees

Source & Release > Canada [ca, Region] > Statistics Canada > CANSIM Database > CANSIM > Labour > Employment and unemployment > 14-10-0390-01 - Work absence of full-time employees, annual


Purchase & Sale with Electronic Invoices, by economic activity (CVAE)

Country & Region > Chile [cl, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Purchases & Sales with Electronic Invoices > By Economic Activity

Regional Buying & Selling Indicators (ICVR)

Country & Region > Chile [cl, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Purchases & Sales with Electronic Invoices > Regional Buying & Selling Indicators


Foreign Trade, By Province & City & Major District of Location of Destination/Origin

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Foreign Trade > Regional > By Province & City & Major District of Location of Destination/Origin

Foreign Trade, By Province & City & Major District of Location of Vendor

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Foreign Trade > Regional > By Province & City & Major District of Location of Vendor

Industrial Production & Energy (Annual), By Province

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Energy > Production > By Province

Industrial Production & Energy (Annual), By Products

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Industrial Production > By Products

Industrial Production & Energy (Annual), Production Capacity

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Industrial Production > Production Capacity


Trends in the Real & Nominal Effective Exchange Rates

Country & Region > Ethiopia [et, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > FX Indices > National Bank of Ethiopia


Retail Trade, Food, Trend Adjusted, Constant Prices, Index

Country & Region > Israel [il, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Retail Trade 


JAMA Member's US Vehicle Production Statistics

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Vehicles > JAMA Member's US Vehicle Production

Outright Purchase of JGBs, Purchase Size per Auction

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Central Bank Open Market Operations > Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (JGBs) > Purchase Size per Auction

SC Sales Statistics Survey Report

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Wholesale & Retail Trade > Retail Trade > Japan Council of Shopping Centers (JCSC)

TANKAN, Predicted Exchange Rate USD / JPY

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Surveys & Leading Indicators [surv, Category] > Business Surveys > Bank of Japan > TANKAN > Enterprises > Annual Projections > (1) Year-to-Year Percent Change Etc. > D. Predicted Exchange Rates (U.S. Dollar-Yen)

TANKAN, Predicted Exchange Rate EUR/JPY

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Surveys & Leading Indicators [surv, Category] > Business Surveys > Bank of Japan > TANKAN > Enterprises > Annual Projections > (1) Year-to-Year Percent Change Etc. > E. Predicted Exchange Rates (Euro-Yen)


Hotel Occupancy Rates, By State

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Tourism [tour, Category] > Accommodation > Hotels > Occupancy Rates > Quarterly

Petroleum Prices (Weekly)

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Commodities & Energy [caes, Category] > Spot Prices > Energy > Petroleum 

Occupancy Rate for Residential Property 

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Construction & Real Estate [cons, Category] > Real Estate > Real Estate Indicators > Other Indicators > Malaysian Valuation & Property Services Department

New Zealand

Retail Trade by Region

Country & Region > New Zealand [nz, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Retail Trade > By Region


Central Bank Liabilities, Securities other than shares

Country & Region > Nigeria [ng, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Balance Sheet & Flows of MFI Sector > Central Bank > Liabilities > By Type > Securities Other than Shares, Excluded from Broad Money


State Budget Announced

Country & Region > Qatar [qa, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Budget Projections

South Africa 

Consumer Credit Statistics, Applications

Source & Release > South Africa [za, Region] > National Credit Regulator of South Africa > Consumer Credit Market Report [rel_zancrccmr, Release]

United Kingdom

Vehicle Registration: vans per type

Country & Region > United Kingdom [gb, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Vehicle Sales & Registrations 

United States 

Zillow, Metro level

Source & Release > United States [us, Region] > Zillow > Zillow Index, Metro Level [rel_uszillowmetro, Release]

Balance of Power: 2024 Election

Country & Region > United States [us, Region] > ESG [esgc, Category] > Socio-Political > Political Polls > Polymarket

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