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Sep 23
Oct 4, 2024

Used Car Transactions in the UK and Malayasia's SME Loans

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This edition highlights the latest data updates, including UK used car transactions, which align with the 9-year average, and new insights into SME non-performing loans in Malaysia, where "Wholesale & Retail Trade," "Construction," and "Real Estate" are most affected. We’ve also added datasets on government budgets, bank balances, and foreign trade from Argentina, Brazil, China, and more.
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Sep 23
Oct 4, 2024


United Kingdom

Used car transaction figures from SMMT (Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders) are now available, enabling users to track the U.K. used car market.

In the chart below, we sliced the series into yearly segments in order to assess 2024’s performance so far. It appears that U.K. used car sales are following their seasonal pattern, as the drop in June highlights. In overall, 2024 is currently on par with the average transactions figures of the past 9 years.

Note: 2020 is not included in the calculations to remove significant outliers.

The first chart highlighted that the U.K. used car market in 2024 is tracking its average monthly transaction levels from the past 9 years.  

In the second chart below, we chose to look at the historical used car sales on 12 months rolling sum basis. The pandemic impacted heavily the market with an immediate 25% drop from the aggregated levels in March 2020. Extending the series with its pre-pandemic trend line – displayed in green in the chart – allowed us to get a projection of where the market should have been at today: user car transactions are still today 10-12% below the pre-pandemic trend levels.


We’ve complemented our coverage on Small & Medium Enterprises loans statistics with the addition of impaired financing per sector. The dataset also breaks-down the financing source, between commercial banks, islamic banks, investment banks, and development financial institutions.

The pie chart below displays the most recent percentage distribution of SME impaired loans among sectors, highlighting that the main 3 impacted ones are “Wholesale & Retail Trade”, “Construction”, and “Real Estate”, totaling a bit more than 60% of the total SME impaired loans.  

Full listing


Consolidated Bank Balance Sheet 

Country & Region > Argentina [ar, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Balance Sheet & Flows of MFI Sector > Banks


Central Government Budget: Discretionary & Compulsory Expenses 

Source & Release > Brazil [br, Region] > Secretariat of National Treasury, Brazilian Ministry of Finance (STN) > Central Government Budget [rel_brmfstncgovbu, Release]


Highway Traffic Mobility Index – real indices

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Transport & Communications [tran, Category] > Highway Traffic Mobility Trends > Real Index

Czech Republic

Trade in Goods by Commodities 

Country & Region > Czech Republic [cz, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Foreign Trade > Trade in Goods by Commodities


Energy consumption, Electricity Net Imports

Country & Region > Denmark [dk, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Energy Consumption & Production  

Loans from “The Biggest Banks & Mortgage Credit Institutions”

Country & Region > Denmark [dk, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > The Biggest Banks & Mortgage Credit Institutions  


Total Credit of MSMEs

Country & Region > Indonesia [id, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > Loans Outstanding > Outstanding of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Credits of Commercial Banks (MSMEs)



Country & Region > Italy [it, Region] > Business Statistics [bust, Category] > Bankruptcies


IIP: Portfolio Investment Position (Assets) by Currency & Type of Securities

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Balance of Payments [bopa, Category] > Methodology: BPM6 > National > International Investment Position > Portfolio Investment Position (Assets) by Currency & Type of Securities > Debt Securities

Oil Statistics - Supply & Demand

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Energy > Import Price


Small & Medium Enterprises Non-Performing Loans by Sector

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > All Institutions > Financial Institution > July 2021 Onwards > Impaired SME Loan/Financing by Sector

Monthly Employee Wages Statistics

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Income & Earnings [inea, Category] > Wages & Salaries > Total (Monthly)

New Zealand

Securities statistics: Central Bank Holdings of Kauri Bonds  

Country & Region > New Zealand [nz, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Securities Statistics > Reserve Bank of New Zealand > Kauri Bonds

Securities statistics: Central Bank Holdings of individual Bonds  

Country & Region > New Zealand [nz, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Securities Statistics > Reserve Bank of New Zealand > Individual Bonds

Securities statistics: Central Bank Standing Facilities

Country & Region > New Zealand [nz, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Securities Statistics > Reserve Bank of New Zealand > Standing Facilities

Construction Permits by Region

Country & Region > New Zealand [nz, Region] > Construction & Real Estate [cons, Category] > Construction > Construction Status > Permits > Stats New Zealand > Regional



Country & Region > Poland [pl, Region] > Business Statistics [bust, Category] > Enterprises > Number of Bankruptcies

New Company Registrations   

Country & Region > Poland [pl, Region] > Business Statistics [bust, Category] > Enterprises > Number of Registrations


Annual Main Economic Indicators

Source & Release > Portugal [pt, Region] > Portuguese National Statistics Institute (INE) > National Accounts (Annual) [rel_ptinenaac1, Release] > Table A.0.1 - Main Economic Indicators

Sierra Leone

National Accounts components

Source & Release > Sierra Leone [sl, Region] > Statistics Sierra Leone (Stats SL) > GDP Analysis [rel_slstatsslnaac, Release]


Private Sector Profitability

Source & Release > Sweden [se, Region] > Statistics Sweden (SCB) > Private Sector Profitability & Value Added [rel_sescbpriproval, Release] > Profitability by NACE Rev.2

Value Added by detailed component

Source & Release > Sweden [se, Region] > Statistics Sweden (SCB) > Private Sector Profitability & Value Added [rel_sescbpriproval, Release] > Value Added by Detail Component & NACE Rev. 2

SCB Financial Accounts

Country & Region > Sweden [se, Region] > Financial Accounts [flof, Category] > SCB Financial Accounts

County Councils: Expenses & Revenues

Country & Region > Sweden [se, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Public Finances > Statement of Accounts > County Councils > Expenses & Revenues

Mean Population

Country & Region > Sweden [se, Region] > Demography [demo, Category] > Total Population

Sectors Accounts: S1 Total Economy

Country & Region > Sweden [se, Region] > National Accounts [naac, Category] > Sector Accounts > S1 Total Economy


Financial Accounts – Households & NPISH

Country & Region > Switzerland [ch, Region] > Financial Accounts [flof, Category] > Stock, Quarterly > Households & NPISH


Foreign Trade, By Selected Commodities

Country & Region > Taiwan [tw, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Foreign Trade > By Commodities > Selected


Public Debt Outstanding 

Country & Region > Thailand [th, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Public Debt > Outstanding Overview

Factory Closures

Country & Region > Thailand [th, Region] > Business Statistics [bust, Category] > Factory

Construction Status: Factory Permits

Country & Region > Thailand [th, Region] > Construction & Real Estate [cons, Category] > Construction > Construction Status > Permits > Factory


Turkish Lira Currency Swap  

Country & Region > Turkey [tr, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Foreign Exchange Swap Contracts

United Kingdom

Used Car Transaction

Country & Region > United Kingdom [gb, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Vehicle Sales & Registrations


Footprint Data Foundation 

Source & Release > World [world, Region] > Global Footprint Network > Footprint Data Foundation [rel_worldfootprint, Release]

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