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Jul 1
Jul 12, 2024

IMF PortWatch and US Non-Residential Construction

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Our July 2024 data additions include the IMF PortWatch dataset tracking shipping chokepoints, US non-residential construction spending for data centers, Austria's banking assets and liabilities, and various global financial and trade updates.
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Jul 1
Jul 12, 2024



We’ve added the IMF PortWatch dataset, including specific items tracking shipping chokepoints. This daily dataset is updated by the IMF on a weekly basis. 

The chart below highlights the impact of current conflict in the Middle East on shipping routes: most of the maritime traffic that usually navigate via the Red Sea, through the Bab el-Mandeb strait and Suez Canal, is now rerouted through the Cape of Good Hope for security purposes.  

United States

We’ve complemented our existing coverage on construction spendings with the addition of non-residential private construction spendings for data centers. 

In the chart below, we can see the rising impact of data centers in the office private construction spendings, now representing more than 30% of the total construction spendings for the office space. In terms of contribution to the overall growth, construction spendings for data centers now offset the decrease in construction spendings happening in the general office space since 2022, keeping the overall private office construction spendings growth afloat.

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CRR Banks’ Business Structure: Assets

Country & Region > Austria [at, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Balance Sheet & Flows of MFI Sector > CRR Banks' Business Structure > Assets

CRR Banks’ Business Structure: Liabilities

Country & Region > Austria [at, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Balance Sheet & Flows of MFI Sector > CRR Banks' Business Structure > Liabilities


Rural Energy Consumption 

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Energy > Consumption > Rural

Rural Energy Production 

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Energy > Production > Rural


Bank of Japan Financial Statements, Income Statement

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Balance Sheet & Flows of MFI Sector > Central Bank > Income Statement

Labor Force Survey, Detailed Tabulation: changed jobs in the past year, by age

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Labor Market [lama, Category] > Labor Force Statistics > Changed Jobs in the Past 1 Year > By Age


Monthly Transfers from the EU Budget to Poland

Country & Region > Poland [pl, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Budgets > Central Government Budget > Financial Transfers Between Poland & the EU Budget


Turnover in the services sector

Country & Region > Portugal [pt, Region] > Income & Earnings [inea, Category] > Business Enterprise > Turnover > Services

Gross Wages & Salaries in Services

Country & Region > Portugal [pt, Region] > Income & Earnings [inea, Category] > Wages & Salaries > Gross Wages > Services


Foreign Trade: Import of commodities

Country & Region > Serbia [rs, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Foreign Trade > Import

Foreign Trade: Export of commodities

Country & Region > Serbia [rs, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Foreign Trade > Export


Motor Vehicle traffic statistics

Country & Region > Taiwan [tw, Region] > Transport & Communications [tran, Category] > Traffic > Motor Vehicle 

Airport passenger traffic 

Country & Region > Taiwan [tw, Region] > Transport & Communications [tran, Category] > Traffic > Airport > Passengers

Port Container Throughput

Country & Region > Taiwan [tw, Region] > Transport & Communications [tran, Category] > Traffic > International Commercial Port > Container Throughput


Financial Institutions NPLs

Country & Region > Thailand [th, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > Financial Institutions > Non-Performing Loans

Change of Gross NPLs

Country & Region > Thailand [th, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > Commercial Banks > Gross Non-Performing Loans > Change of Gross NPLs Decreasing

Nano Finance under Supervision

Country & Region > Thailand [th, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > Financial Institutions > Nano Finance under Supervision

Personal Loan under Supervision

Country & Region > Thailand [th, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > Financial Institutions > Personal Loan under Supervision


Foreign Trade by SITC Rev3 - Special Trade System

Country & Region > Turkey [tr, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Foreign Trade > Export & Import > By SITC Rev.3 Classification


National Accounts: Expenditure Approach details

Country & Region > Uganda [ug, Region] > National Accounts [naac, Category] > Expenditure Approach

United States

Construction spending, Data Centers

Source & Release > United States [us, Region] > U.S. Census Bureau > Construction Spending, Value Put in Place > Private, Monthly


IMF Chokepoint Transit Calls & Trade Estimates Daily  

Source & Release > World [world, Region] > International Monetary Fund (IMF) > IMF Chokepoint Transit Calls & Trade Estimates Daily [rel_imfctctve, Release]

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